The Fast and Furious franchise continues with the release of Fast X. Dominic Toretto and his family have returned to confront their demons from the past, but with a new face. Jason Momoa, who has established himself as one of the best action actors in the TV and film industries with roles in Game of Thrones, Aquaman, and Dune, plays Dante, one of the film’s key adversaries. Even though the film did not receive a lot of positive reviews, critics loved Momoa’s performance.
Vin Diesel is upset about Jason Momoa stealing all the thunder
According to an insider report by RadarOnline, despite Momoa’s performance being lauded as the only bright spot about the movie, Diesel thinks that it was because of Momoa that the film suffered in ratings. Per the insider, “Vin is embarrassed Jason is being branded the only bright spot in the film and stealing his thunder in the franchise he built himself”.
Why Vin Diesel might’ve disliked Jason Momoa as a likable villain?
As per the report, Diesel is jealous of fans and critics praising Momoa’s performance as Dante, despite his habit of “overacting” and “scene-stealing”. The insider also stated that Momoa is well aware of Diesel’s jealousy. “Jason knows he’s the flavor of the moment and Vin’s jealous of him,” they said. “But he doesn’t appreciate Vin trying to poison the public against him. This has the potential to be Hollywood’s next biggest feud.”
Read Next: Fast X director says Dom will truly meet his match in Jason Momoa’s Dante