The Fast and Furious saga continues with the upcoming Fast X movie. Dominic Toretto and his family will be back to face their demons of the past, with a new face. Jason Momoa, who has solidified his image as one of the best action stars in the TV and movie industry with projects like Game of Thrones, Aquaman, and Dune under his belt, will be playing Dante, one of the main antagonists in the film.
Who is Dante in Fast X?
Dante is the son of Hernan Reyes, a politician and drug lord, and the primary antagonist of Fast Five. Dom and his team were first employed by Hernan for a high-level heist but they double-crossed him. Stripped of most of his wealth, Hernan then attacks Dom and his team, resulting in his death at the end of the film. Dante’s only goal is to make Dom suffer for what he did to his family.
What is Dante’s role in Fast X?
In a recent interview with Total Film, Fast X director Louis Leterrier said Dante is there just to cause chaos. He said, “Dante is in awe of Dom. He’s analyzed him. There’s nowhere to hide, because he knows Dom better than he knows himself. Dom truly meets his match with Dante.”
“Family goes both ways,” Leterrier said. “There’s family on your side. There’s also family on the other person’s side. When the family that was your super-strength becomes your Achilles’ heel, it’s where you’re going to get wounded the most.“
When will Fast X release?
Fast X is scheduled to hit the theatres on May 30th. Watch the trailer for Fast X right below:
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