Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon season 1 is finally at an end. Both the pilot and the finale showcased a brutal birthing scene. While in the pilot, Viserys watched his wife Aemma die after being opened up to save the baby, losing both of them in the process, in the finale, we see Daemon ignoring Rhaenyra’s calls during the birth of their baby, and the baby’s death thereafter.
House of The Dragon producer and writer Sara Hess recently discussed with TheWrap she wanted to give a different meaning to every birth scene on-screen. She said, “The first season is compressed time, and many children are born during the course of the story, so it was kind of a back and forth about are we going to show all these births? Is it going to be boring?”
Hess said. “That definitely was a thing that I felt very strongly about because I felt like every birth scene I’ve ever seen in any TV show or movie ever has looked exactly the same, which is the woman’s lying on her back — whatever time period — and she’s like on her back pushing, and then the baby comes out. And it’s like, ‘Oh, congratulations.’”
“I was saying to the guys, like every birth I’ve ever heard about from my friends or experienced is they’re all completely different. They are a different experience depending on the woman who’s doing it and what the circumstances are. That is a part of a woman’s story that I feel is just completely sort of blandified in popular entertainment.”
What do you think of the different birth scenes in House of The Dragon? Tell us in the comments below!
Read Next: Emma D’Arcy (Rhaenyra) responds to criticism of House of The Dragon’s brutal birth scenes