Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is a massive storm brewing, with the Targaryens smack in the middle of it. The fifth episode showed a Targaryen wedding ceremony for the first time in the Game of Thrones franchise, and even though it ended tragically, it was as grand as one can imagine. However, there was more to the scene that didn’t make it to the final cut, that would have explained Criston Cole’s sudden outburst a bit better.
What was there in the deleted scene?
The deleted scene from House of The Dragon episode 5 showed who exactly started the fight. Nate told, “When we shot it, there was a scene I don’t think made the edit. But, me and Solly, who plays Joffrey, we were standing outside and I think Daemon (Matt Smith) is saying to Rhaenyra, ‘Laenor fancies boys, he’s in love with Joffrey’.”
Who provoked who during the wedding?
Nate revealed more about the scene, “Me and Solly are looking over towards Criston Cole. They had words beforehand, saying ‘I know about you, it is what it is’, kind of thing. So Joffrey goes over to Criston Cole again and was just winding him up. That’s what Joffrey does.”
He recalled, “He went over, and we were at the side. Laenor and Joffrey were saying, ‘Go dig the needle in a little bit. Wind him up, see what happens.’ And the next thing a fight just breaks out. So, yeah, Joffrey started it.”
When will House of The Dragon return?
The filming of House of The Dragon season 2 is currently in pre-production, with the casting currently in progress. HBO chief Casey Bloys has confirmed in an indirect way that House of The Dragon won’t be coming back before the summer of 2024.
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