Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is moving steadily with its production, and we can expect the series to be here not too far into 2022. The filming for the show has been taking place in Cornwall for the past couple of weeks, as the recent leaks have shown. We captured a glimpse of several details previously unknown, and received an official statement about new characters joining the show. So far everything about the series seems to be promising, and the production will now move to Spain for further filming.
HBO is close to wrapping up its filming in Cornwall, and as previously reported, will be moving to Spain for further shooting. One of the prime locations for the filming of House of The Dragon will be the Spanish castle of La Calahorra, which is being readied at the moment as the production is expected to begin in October.
According to Ideal (via Los Siete Reinos), the show will shoot in the castle of La Calahorra in the province of Granada, Spain for just over a week starting on October 1. According to Hoy, extras have already been called in for costume fittings, and Los Siete Reinos reports that some might have lines of English dialogue.
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Also, if you live in any of the places where House of the Dragon is currently filming or will be filming in the future, and would like to share photos of the sets/cast or any tips, drop us a mail at connect [at] wikiofthrones [dot] com or use our Contact Us form.