Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon reached new heights after the premiere of the seventh episode earlier today. The episode begins with a grim tone, with Laena Velaryon’s funeral after her suicide in the previous chapter. However, the events that follow snowball into a bigger conflict, when Alicent Hightower’s second son Aemond claims Vhagar for himself. The skirmish that follows sees Aemond losing his eye, however, as he and Otto see it, it was worth the price.
In a new behind-the-scenes video, showrunner Ryan Condal and actor Leo Ashton, who plays Aemond Targaryen in the series, talked about how the character turns into a villain in that scene.
Ryan Condal: We really did want to dramatize the claiming of a dragon. And this little kid on the biggest dragon in the world felt like the best way to do that. He is the only kid on that side without a dragon. He desperately wants one, and he’s picked on and bullied for not having one. So I think he finds himself at this funeral, feeling alone and detached, and sees an opportunity, then goes and seizes it.
Leo Ashton: Aemond is quite an introverted, sad kid who has gone through many hardships. So obviously, when he gets the dragon, his mood changes, and he feels like he can do anything he wants. And that’s where that villain comes into play.
What do you think of Aemond’s character in House of The Dragon? Tell us in the comments below!
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