The year 2023 has been especially fruitful for renowned actor Pedro Pascal. Beginning the year with a bang in HBO’s The Last of Us, the Game of Thrones alum’s performance as Joel has been highly praised by both the fans and the critics. Pascal will continue to protect another orphaned kid in Disney+’s The Mandalorian. However, he is really concerned about what will happen to him if his ward on the show, Grogu, were to “disappear” someday.
What will happen if Pedro Pascal “accidentally” takes Grogu home?
Pascal recently sat down with Esquire magazine to answer some of the most popular questions about him on the internet. When asked if he has ever “accidentally taken” Grogu home, the actor replied, “If I even attempted that, a SWAT team… I wouldn’t be sitting here today. Pedro Pascal missing. Grogu not missing.”
What is Pedro Pascal’s favorite line from The Mandalorian?
Pascal, in a recent chat with, talked about a line from the series fans repeatedly throw at him and he absolutely loves it. He said, “I love walking down the street and then randomly […] somebody passes by me and says, ‘This is the Way.’” Sometimes Pascal will repeat the line back, but other times he’ll just point in one direction or another. “That’s the way? Oh, this is the way! Yes, of course.”
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