Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is fast on track for its release in 2022. Last week, the crew was spotted filming at various sites in Cornwall. The show’s stars Matt Smith and Emma D’Arcy were seen filming on Holywell Beach in costume. Some more photos were leaked, later on, providing a glimpse at another important character, Lord Corlys Velaryon.
The Daily Mail recently published photos of the cast and crew preparing for a busy day of shooting in Cornwall. The leaked photos provide the very first look at Steve Toussaint as Corlys Velaryon. Also, the filming that day took place at St. Michael’s Mount, which is very likely the set for Driftmark, the home base for House Velaryon.
In other photos, Matt Smith was seen wrapped up in a padded black jacket that covered his black ensemble. He was covered up with his coat to protect it from the rain as he walked to and from the set. His mid-length wig was pulled into a half-back hairdo.
Emma D’Arcy wore a long crimson gown to portray Princess Rhaenyra. She was also covered up with a large overcoat to keep herself warm from the bracing wind. With all the characters clad in black/dark colours, with a sizable group gathered, it may have been for a funeral. Possibly for the sarcophagus seen that day on set.
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