Game of Thrones achieved great success and popularity in the past decade. The show set the bar for television series in terms of its story, scenery, CGI and battle scenes. However, it was also famous for another reason, a collection of well-built, tight and ripped bodies on-set. They caused awe amongst the audience, even encouraging them to get their own set of 6-pack-abs. Liam Cunningham, perhaps best known as the Onion Knight, Davos Seaworth, uploaded an Instagram photo recently showing off his muscled arms. The 60-year-old actor said he was “keeping rigour Mortis at bay.”
The picture shows Cunningham sitting in a gym with a rack of dumbbells behind him, wearing a sleeveless shirt and smiling. In his full caption, Cunningham said, “Keeping rigor mortis at bay as 60 is about to hit me like an eighteen wheeler!” With those arms, rigor mortis should actually be scared of Cunningham. Age really is just a number when you’ve put in the work as he has. The actor then thanked his personal trainers Paul and Siobhan.
His former Game of Thrones co-stars gave Cunningham props for his gains too. Actress Lena Headey, who played Cersei Lannister, left three fire emojis. Actress Sophie Turner, who played Sansa Stark, commented, “Bloody hell.” We have to agree. Cunningham makes 60 years old look good.
Liam recently revealed in an interview he almost passed up on the opportunity to play his most renowned character. Would you have liked to see Liam play some other role? Tell us in the comments below!
Game of Thrones is a show that is intense at times, and it has its set of emotionally harrowing scenes throughout the show. The show has broken our hearts multiple times over the years, but one scene still remains at the top of this list: the Red Wedding. On 2nd June eight years ago, the world was left shocked and devastated by the Red Wedding, which took place in season three of Game of Thrones.
For those who need a recap, the Red Wedding is a massacre at the wedding feast of Edmure Tully, Lord of Riverrun, and Roslin Frey during the War of the Five Kings.
Taking place in the penultimate episode of season three, titled The Rains of Castamere, fans were presented with one of the most jaw-dropping 10 minutes of television they had ever seen.
What led to the happenings of this episode was Robb Stark meeting and falling in love with Talisa in season two. This was a major issue, as he was promised to a daughter of the cruel Walder Frey, which was an alliance that would give him a tactical advantage in the War of the Five Kings.
However, Robb broke this promise and married Talisa instead. To supposedly keep the Stark/Frey alliance going, the Starks conceded to Walder Frey’s fresh demands that Lord Edmure Tully, brother to Catelyn Stark and uncle to Robb, marry his daughter Roslin Frey instead. All of this all came to a head in the penultimate episode, where we saw the wedding between Edmure and Roslin.
After the wedding, when Edmure and Roslin had left the party to consummate their marriage, Roose Bolton and his men positioned themselves tactfully around the room in which the wedding feast was still ongoing.
Even though Walder swore a sacred oath that Robb, Catelyn and the then-pregnant Talisa would all be safe under his roof for the wedding, he, along with Roose and with the backing of Tywin Lannister, betrayed the Starks, and Bolton and his men killed all three.
Roose said the now-famous phrase ‘the Lannisters send their regards’ to Robb right before he stabbed him in the heart. Not only were the three Starks murdered, but most of Robb’s men who were either attending the wedding or celebrating outside the castle were brutally killed as well.
Have you recovered from the shocking episode all of these years later? Tell us in the comments below!
Every Marvel fan remembers the post-credit scene of the first Avengers movie, where Iron Man takes all the heroes to his favourite shawarma shop. While the film itself is set in New York, the Avengers Shawarma Shop is in fact based in Los Angeles. Elat Burger / Shalom Grill on W Pico Boulevard was the filming location for the memorable Avengers post-credits scene. Now Game of Thrones fans can find their own place to eat, and relate to their memorable moments from the series. A new pop-up called Haus of Thrones will bring the wild world of Westeros to 505 Main Street in Houston.
As per a press release, the pop-up will occupy a 10,000-square-foot multi-level set meant to take drinkers back to the epic series inspired by George R.R. Martin’s fantasy novels. Set to open on July 1, the pop up will last about four weeks.
Haus of Thrones is the work of Asha Holloway, an experiential marketer and the creator of previous Houston pop-ups including those inspired by The Office and Harry Potter. Haus of Thrones is Holloway’s most ambitious pop-up yet. The interactive sections designed to look like iconic Game of Thrones locations, including King’s Landing, The Infamous Wall of the Night’s Watch, and Winterfell. Throughout the pop-up’s run, Haus of Thrones will offer weekly game nights with life-sized game pieces, costume contests, trivia and more.
Holloway is also offering a few special packages for this pop-up, including a Bus of Thrones pre-party experience. Guests can rent a Game of Thrones party bus to cruise around Downtown, complete with music from the television series, a Haus of Thrones t-shirt, and VIP entry to the pop-up.
Tickets for the pop-up are already on sale, with timed entry, starting at $20. With House of The Dragon currently under production, the pop-up will surely hype up the fans even more.
Would you like to visit the bar? Tell us in the comments below!
It is said that you are at your best when you’re doing something you love. The job becomes even better when you’re inspired by someone you love. One particular Game of Thrones fan from France did just that. Benjamin, 35, of BenSculpt Creations, is a professional sculptor since 2016. Inspired by his wife, Ben creates amazing Game of Thrones based artwork, the latest one being a beautiful House Targaryen plaque.
Benjamin told Wiki of Thrones, “I am a fan of all things horror and fantasy. My wife who reads a lot of fantasy novels told me about Game of Thrones when it was released … we both got into it and loved it! Besides the quality of the series, the fact that we are sharing these moments together and being able to discuss them is very pleasant. We have never dropped out of the series.
So, I wanted to craft a creation around this fantastic universe, and I wanted to start with the emblems of the 3 main houses.”
He had also created a House Stark plaque a few years back.
Looking at the perfection by which he crafted the sculpture, it is so hard to believe it is made by hand. Creativity can be found in the most unexpected of places. In this case, Benjamin found it in his love for his wife and Game of Thrones.
The budding artist also said he is highly excited for the upcoming prequel House of The Dragon. What about you? Tell us in the comments below!