Actor Matt Smith has been quite busy nowadays. He has been traveling with the HBO crew over Spain, UK, and Portugal filming for Game of Thrones’ upcoming prequel House of The Dragon, and recently also starred in the film Last Night in Soho. Smith’s breakout role in his career was playing the lead in the BBC hit show Doctor Who, in which he played the titular character, and became widely loved for it. And he keeps on teasing the fans about his return to the beloved franchise.
In a recent interview with Consequence, Smith let on that he was still very much open to coming back into the Doctor Who fold if things lined up correctly. Smith was definitely open to the idea saying, “Well, you never know, do you? Someone would have to pick up the phone and ask me and then we take it from there.” He also reflected in an overwhelmingly positive way about his time on the show saying it was one of the “great characters in television” and taking part in the series was “just a thrill…”
Matt Smith looked back fondly at his time on Doctor Who. He starred in the role for three series from 2010 to 2013, He took over for David Tennant as the Eleventh Doctor when the latter began his regeneration to end his time on the show.
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