House of the Dragon, the new Game of Thrones prequel, began airing exclusively on HBO and HBO Max last week. Unfortunately, the first episode was leaked early on illegal torrent and free streaming sites. Now a similar event has happened with House of the Dragon Episode 2. It has been leaked 24 hours before its official release.
Episode 2 of House of the Dragon is available to stream on a number of pirate websites. Though the current leaked version is only available in 720p, it seems. Also, it appears to be shorter in length. Midgard Times claims that the leaked episode doesn’t include the start and end credit scenes.
The second episode will centre on Daemon and his journey for the Iron Throne after being denied by his own brother in the first episode.
There is a possibility that it might be missing some scenes as the length is shorter than the original. However, the shorter length could only be due to the missing credit scenes.
Thus, it is better to watch the episode when it airs on HBO and HBO MAX. House of the Dragon Episode 2 will premiere Sunday, August 28 at 9 PM EST in the US.
Read more: Top five moments from the House of the Dragon series premiere