All eyes are on the final season of Game of Thrones coming in April 2019 – which is just 5 months away, but that doesn’t mean we are any less excited for the ‘Long Night’ prequel. The long night prequel begins filming from February as HBO reports and Joshua Whitehouse and Naomi Watts have already been cast for the lead roles. This time HBO, as reported by Watchers On The Wall is casting a pair of twins for the new series. Read on.
The team is eyeing for a couple of twins – twin sisters between the ages of 23 to 29 who will play siblings in the new series. We hope we won’t see siblings like Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister who were awkwardly too close (still some hypocrites like me find Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow as a couple to be cute!).
Next is a character codenamed “A2″to be played by an actor in his 70s and should be a “genuine Scandinavian, Eastern European or German actor.” Watchers on the Wall believe this character to be a Wildling or in their words “proto-wildling”– from the North of the Wall, if it ever existed in the first place pre-Long Night. This character gives me a vibe of someone likeMikken from the pilot episode of Game of Thrones who forged Arya Stark’s sword ‘Needle’.
The prequel series won’t be released before 2020 – which is still too far and we still find five months a long time to wait until Season 8 airs. What were your thoughts on this casting call for the Long Night prequel series? Tell us in the comments section.