Game of Thrones writer George R. R. Martin is one of the most accomplished novelists today, with several best-selling books under his belt. The veteran author is already associated with a bunch of new shows, including Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon. It is no secret that Martin is a huge fan of Tolkien’s work, has read all of his novels, and has a thorough knowledge of Middle Earth. Hence when he met fellow Tolkien nerd Stephen Colbert right after attending the show, they engaged in some playful lore exchange.
Martin wrote on his blog, Not A Blog:
“This was the second time I’ve appeared on the Colbert show. It is always a lot of fun. Stephen is a big a fanboy (did someone say nerd?) as I am, a fan of science fiction, fantasy, comic books, and all the other stuff I love. He knows Niven, he knows Zelazny, he knows Arthur C. Clarke…
… and don’t ever try to out-Tolkien him. After the show wrapped, we hung out in the green room for a couple of hours, talking TV shows and movies and books and Roger Z (a dear friend and mentor to me, and one of Stephen’s favorites), and in the course of time the subject of Gil-Galad came up (as it will). I immediately said…
Gil-Galad was an elven king
of him the harpers sadly sing
the last whose realm was fair and free
between the mountains and the sea
Which is, alas, the only part I have memorized
Stephen stepped in at once, and recited the rest of the poem.
Well, of course he did. The man speaks Elvish.
I don’t even speak High Valyrian. Much.
Valar dohaeris.”
What do you think of Martin’s recent appearance on Stephen Colbert’s show? Share your thoughts on our discord server.
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