Game of Thrones might be over, but George R. R. Martin is still out there rocking it. While all of us have been waiting for The Winds of Winter, that’s not all George is doing right now. Aside from helping develop the Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon and other spinoff shows at HBO, Martin recently announced another book to be released later this year, The Rise of The Dragon.
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However, there was another book that was in his mind back in 2014, and it would have given us a more detailed storyline about the song The Rains of Castamere, which is a song dedicated to Tywin Lannister and talks about the destruction of House Reyne.
Martin’s creative genius kicked in when he was writing details on the lords, ladies and conflicts of Westeros for his book The World of Ice & Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones. According to an interview between Martin and his editor, Anne Groell, he ultimately had to give up on this idea. He explains why he did that, in this video provided by Los Siete Reinos:
“What am I doing? Why am I putting this in this history book? This could be my next three novels. I could write a trilogy about this. I could write a standalone novel. If only I had more time, I could write a whole novel out of this. Oh, I could write a story out of this incident.’ There’s stuff there that could easily be expanded and dramatized and made into stories, but the stories are still there in outline and you know who the main players are, and that’s fine.”
Here he is talking about one of the stories in The World of Ice and Fire, which details how a young Tywin Lannister brutally squashes a rebellion by Ellyn Reyne, which is summarised in the song The Rains of Castamere. Would you have loved to see the book come to fruition? Talk to us in the comments below!