The fantastical world is a blissful escape from bleak reality. Humans have taken the help of myths and legends to gain temporary relief from day-to-day drudgery. At present, there are more realistic ways of living your fantasies, than simply imagining them. Shows like Game of Thrones have set the bar for the quality of fantasy TV shows. Another way of experiencing the mythical world is through video games. And a game made with the help of Game of Thrones creator George R. R. Martin; that sounds even better!
The author recently talked about the new game in an interview with PBS. He described the game as a sequel to Dark Souls, one of the toughest games of present times.
George R. R. Martin talks Elden Ring in new interview:
-His work on the game was done many years ago
-He wrote the worldbuilding & characters
-From would periodically show him enemy & graphic designs
-He is excited for the final game 🙂— Mordecai (@EldenRingUpdate) June 17, 2021
In truth, Elden Ring is a Dark Souls sequel only in terms of gameplay, since it doesn’t share the same world or characters. The former is set in a place called The Lands Between and sprawls across six major areas. Each of which is ruled by a demigod that holds a piece of the game’s namesake ring. Martin called his contribution “considerably different” from writing novels, adding that his contribution was finished “years ago.”
“I’ll be as excited as anybody else to see it [in January],” Martin concluded. The author earlier noted that he’s “played some video games,” but is “not a big video gamer.”
While we wait for Elden Ring, Game of Thrones fans can check out A Game of Thrones: The Board Game for mobile. Are you excited about the Elden Ring? Talk to us in the comments below!