What made Game of Thrones different than most other shows was its tendency to do things differently than most of the other shows. It broke all kinds of stereotypes that one associates with a television show. The show was a breath of fresh air in terms of shocking its audience. And perhaps nothing shocked the fans more than the famous Red Wedding episode. Actor David Bradley, who played the role of Walder Frey, was at the center of it all. Even though he is known for playing shady roles, he is quite nice in real life. Unlike his Harry Potter character Argus Filch, he’s very nice to children.
Bradley was recently seen endorsing the children’s storybook The Active Adventures of Warwick Bear, which follows Warwick Bear, Warwickshire’s road safety mascot, as he searches for a healthy, environmentally-friendly, and fun way to travel to school. Throughout his adventures, Warwick meets some incredibly special superheroes who help him see that it is always better to travel actively. Here’s a clip of him reading the book:
Bradley told the Leamington Observer: “I was very happy to be asked to be involved in bringing the Active Adventures of Warwick Bear to as many of Warwickshire’s young people as possible. As a parent, and now a grandparent, myself, I am acutely aware how important it is for our children to be raised with an awareness of these important concepts and being able to help get the message out has been a pleasure.”
What do you think of The Active Adventures of Warwick Bear? Tell us in the comments below!