Rose Leslie and Kit Harington are one of the most adorable celebrity couples, having fallen in love back when they were filming for Game of Thrones together and were also an on-screen couple as Ygritte and Jon Snow. They have come a long way together since then, Leslie helping Kit with his alcohol addiction issues. The two recently enjoyed a sort of couples therapy on-screen while challenging banks’ relationships with fossil fuel companies.
What is Rose Leslie and Kit Harington’s new video about?
Leslie and Harington were recently featured in a video for the climate finance campaign Make My Money Matter, founded by screenwriter Richard Curtis where they represented banks and oil refinery companies. In the campaign video, Leslie, portraying her character of the oil company says, “Whenever he speaks publicly or posts about anything on social media, he acts as if he’s a martyr.”
“I mean, he believes that he’s saving the world. He is constantly boasting about the millions that he’s spending on green energy green… He will tell everyone that he now loves renewables ‘Oh look at me and my pretty little windmills’ and then he turns around and tells me that he loves me. Which is it?”
Harington, playing the high street bank, replies, “Obviously it’s you. It’s always been you” and they share a passionate kiss.
Watch the campaign video right here:
Why was it hard for Kit Harington to watch House of The Dragon?
Even though he loved it, the Game of Thrones star admitted it was hard for him to completely go through with the first season. He said, “It’s hard for me to watch because I lived in it for so long. There’s a pain there, you know? So I’m working my way through it slowly.”