Comic books have grown in popularity as a result of countless TV and film adaptations over the previous few decades. The superhero genre currently rules the entertainment industry, with the MCU and DCEU being prime examples. Game of Thrones’ Emilia Clarke has recently made her Marvel debut in the Secret Invasion series. However, she wasn’t the first to do so.
Secret Invasion is pretty “huge”
During the premiere event of MCU’s Secret Invasion, Clarke expressed to Entertainment Weekly how she couldn’t believe the scale of production and hype about the TV show. She said, “It’s crazy. It’s big. I mean, it’s huge. This is huge. This, for a TV show, this is ridiculous. I’m here for it! I’m definitely here for it.”
Emilia Clarke didn’t know how many Game of Thrones stars have visited the MCU
Clarke shared her surprise at the short interview when she came to know she was the 9th Game of Thrones celebrity to appear in the MCU. She said, “Oh my God. I did not know that. That seems like a lot! That’s a lot of people.”
She then added with a laugh, “I’m trying to think of who the hell is in them now.”
Read Next: Here’s why Secret Invasion’s intro was made using A.I.