We are still 55 days away from Game of Thrones season 7 and we still haven’t seen the 1st trailer for the season. So far, we have seen just a teaser trailer and pictures from the season, which were really exciting and gave us a lot of clues. Just as the fans were wondering when they would get to see some new content from the upcoming season, the good folks at EW shared some photos from Game of Thrones season 7, which includes the stunning picture of Daenerys sitting on Drogon and we just can’t wait to see what happens in that scene. Take a look at the pictures below:
The pictures are a mixture of on-set pictures and also the final pictures from the show, with all the special effects. Take a look at the pictures below:
This seems to be the same picture which we saw in the first set of photos from Game of Thrones season 7. Only the place from where it has been clicked is different.
The new king in the North, Jon Snow seems to be traveling to some location with Stark soldiers and Ser Davos Seaworth.
This photo of Daenerys Targaryen sitting on Drogon has to be the best photo from this set of pictures. Drogon has grown a lot since we last saw him in Game of Thrones season 6 finale. Game of Thrones director, Matt Shakman had revealed in an interview that in the upcoming season, the dragons will be the size of a Boeing 747 and there’s no reason to doubt him after seeing this picture. Drogon is creating mayhem and the battlefield is literally a field of fire!
Arya Stark seems to be on the way to the North and who knows, she might be in the North, looking at her clothing but we also know that Winter has come, so it’s possible that she might be in the Riverlands.
We can see Tormund Giantsbane with Brienne in this on-set picture. We might get to see some one-sided romance in this scene.
What do you think about these photos from Game of Thrones season 7?