- October 27, 2018Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows on planet, and we have seen for the past few…
- October 27, 2018The way Emilia Clarke has portrayed the role of the Mother of Dragons in Game of Thrones is incomparable. Her…
- October 27, 2018February 16th, 9:59pm February 16th, 9:59pm Palash Volvoikar21. Goan. Full-time Geek. Failing in college while you fail in life. Staff…
- October 27, 2018Game of Thrones seems to be inching into the final days of filming really quickly. Season 8 has been filming…
- October 27, 2018September 10th, 10:43pm July 20th, 2:24am Palash Volvoikar21. Goan. Full-time Geek. Failing in college while you fail in life. Staff…
- October 27, 2018September 9th, 1:50am July 26th, 8:46pm Palash Volvoikar21. Goan. Full-time Geek. Failing in college while you fail in life. Staff…
- October 26, 2018When we see movies or TV shows, we mostly don’t look for reality, rather a projected picture of how life…
- October 25, 2018The spectacular cast of Game of Thrones is not just spectacular on-screen. We have heard a lot about the stars…
- October 25, 2018October 21st, 7:57pm October 21st, 7:57pm Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of 'Gopalkant's…
- October 25, 2018Game of Thrones is a fictional world not only with big castles but mythical creatures like dragons, direwolves, and more…