Game of Thrones is a show with great characters, and a great storyline. Not only does the show have great human characters, it also has dragons and direwolves. Speaking of Direwolves, the one we have seen appear on Game of Thrones most prominently, is Jon Snow‘s Direwolf, Ghost. While it was mentioned in Season 7, it wasn’t seen at all, which lead to many fans asking questions. However, Game of Thrones writer Bryan Cogman has provided a bit of an explanation as to why Ghost didn’t make it into Season 7. Read on!
Now, as we know, Season 7 was the season of character meetings and reunions, and we even got to see Arya meet her Direwolf, Nymeria, but Ghost was nowhere to be seen. Sansa Stark mentioned Ghost briefly in Season 7 episode “Eastwatch.” In the Season 7 commentary track released as a special feature on disc releases, Game of Thrones writer Bryan Cogman revealed that he had originally written a scene that featured Ghost, but it got chopped:
“There was a bit here where Jon came out of the crypt, and Ghost came up to him and he petted him and said, “Take care of [Sansa], watch over her for me.” But I guess those direwolves are expensive. I guess it got cut. Oh, well. Ghost is there somewhere roaming around.”
As we know, the Direwolf scenes are a bit expensive, and we got to see Nymeria, so it looks like the production weighed their options and chose Nymeria over Ghost.
Well, let’s hope we get to see Ghost back in Season 8. What do you guys think? Talk to us in the comments, down below!