A Song of Ice and Fire, the popular book series by author George R.R Martin, is one of the longest book series the world has seen, and nobody knows when its going to end, although Game of Thrones, the show based on the books is due to end soon. Fans have wondered for a while whether Martin will ever end up finishing the series, and some fans on Reddit were pretty blunt about it while speaking to another American fantasy author. Brandon Sanderson, the author who finished a book series by another author Robert Jordan, since the original author died before finishing his 11 books long series, was asked whether he would consider finishing A Song of Ice and Fire if the worst were to happen.
Sanderson responded by saying that he would not consider completing the series by Martin, and gave a few reasons for the same, before pointing out that Martin’s approach to humanity was pessimistic and that he, Sanderson, does not agree with Martin’s views. Here’s what he said on the matter:
“….the point is moot, as I wouldn’t say yes to finishing ASOIAF, if asked. (And I don’t think they’d ask me.) I’d respectfully decline. I wouldn’t be right for the job for many reasons. I wouldn’t want to put in the content that the series has, and part of that is due to my religious faith, part of it is just who I am. I don’t shy away from difficult material, but I prefer not to get explicit.”
We hope that Martin does not meet a fate like that of Robert Jordan, whose original plan was a trilogy, much like what Martin had initially intended for his book series to turn out as.