Game of Thrones is a great show, and it has plummeted the television genre into the money machine that it has become now, and it’s fair that everybody else will want in on it, too. As you might remember, Amazon boss, Jeff Bezos apparently told his team he wanted a Game of Thrones sized hit for himself, so Amazon went after the only thing in Fantasy said to be better than Game of Thrones : Lord of The Rings. Initial reports had been quite hopeful, and now we have an official confirmation : Amazon is indeed making a Lord of the Rings TV show, and it’s a prequel!
Amazon recently gave out a press release, and here’s what it says :
““The Lord of the Rings is a cultural phenomenon that has captured the imagination of generations of fans through literature and the big screen,” said Sharon Tal Yguado, Head of Scripted Series, Amazon Studios. “We are honored to be working with the Tolkien Estate and Trust, HarperCollins and New Line on this exciting collaboration for television and are thrilled to be taking The Lord of the Rings fans on a new epic journey in Middle Earth.”
“We are delighted that Amazon, with its longstanding commitment to literature, is the home of the first-ever multi-season television series for The Lord of the Rings,” said Matt Galsor, a representative for the Tolkien Estate and Trust and HarperCollins. “Sharon and the team at Amazon Studios have exceptional ideas to bring to the screen previously unexplored stories based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s original writings.””
Now, there is one thing to be noted here. The sub-headline read as follows :
“Television adaptation, exploring new storylines preceding J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring, slated to debut exclusively on Prime Video”
So this is a prequel, and secondly, it’s unclear what that will cover, but it could either be just a prequel, or a beginning that is set very early on in the story, so as to normalize the fact that this show is coming to tell a story the movies recently did. Classic bait and switch? Could work perfectly!
The deal is a multi season deal, and Amazon has paid a lot of money for it, which they can afford to, so looks like Amazon will take it all the way. Brace yourself, Game of Thrones! What do you think about this? Talk to us in the comments, down below!
The costumes on Game of Thrones have always been more than just clothes, weaving in symbols and meanings from the story being told on screen. It is but natural, then, that the Game of Thrones series finale will have costumes that speak volumes even on their own. The Game of Thrones blog recently delved deep into three such costumes, belonging to Sansa Stark, Brandon Stark, and Ser Brienne of Tarth.
Why these three, out of all the characters that we encounter in Season 8 episode 6 ‘The Iron Throne’? Probably because all three went up significantly in their respective power ladders – Sansa became Queen in the North, Bran became King of the Six Kingdoms, and Brienne became the first Lady Commander of the Kingsguard in Westerosi history. Their costumes reflect this shift in power, along with their personal histories.
Sansa Stark, Queen in the North – Coronation Gown
Sansa’s coronation dress is the epitome of power dressing, with all her loyalties and history displayed in full glory. It also follows Sansa’s habit of borrowing elements from other power women she has been close to. Game of Thrones costume designer Michelle Clapton breaks it down in an Instagram post.
The fabric used in this dress is the same as the ‘Dark Sansa’ dress – which Sansa wore during her stay in the Vale. It symbolized her shift from a naive young girl to a player in the game of Thrones. The dye used in the coronation dress, on the other hand, is the same as Margery’s wedding gown, symbolizing the friendship between the two of them.
The embroidery and detailings predictably include the Stark Direwolf, but also fish scales, which points back to her House Tully roots, from mother Catelyn’s side. Her crown also follows this pattern of Direwolf heads melting into fish scales. The red Weirwood leaves in the train symbolize her territorial power – the wintry North in all its glory.
Brandon Stark, King of the Six Kingdoms – Royal Doublet
Bran has finally let go of the heavy fur coat that accompanied him throughout the series and embraced velvet. This is the first time we see him in this fabric, which symbolizes his royal standing. But he is not just a king, he is also the Three-Eyed Raven – the most significant part of his identity now. That identity is clearly depicted in the dark grey colour and feather detailing of his doublet.
Ser Brienne of Tarth, Lady Commander of the Kingsguard – Golden Armour
Serving as a Kingsguard is the highest honour for any knight in the realm, and Brienne makes it right to the top of even that motley crowd. Her skill at arms and rock-solid moral compass combined made her a force to reckon with. Her new golden armour reflects her glory and power – every inch of which she deserves.
Game of Thrones Season 8 might have left us emotional, but the behind-the-scenes documentary is what really got us. Titled The Last Watch, the documentary had a lot of stuff going for it, but the best bits were the ones where several cast and crew members were shown on their last days filming for the show. Kit Harington (Jon Snow), had a particularly emotional farewell speech and even shed some tears. Read on!
“I feel like my heart is breaking,” Kit said to a crowd of cast and crew with included the showrunners Dan Weiss and David Benioff. He continued:
“I love this show more than I think, anything. It has never been a job for me. It’s been my life. This will always be the greatest thing I’ll ever do and be a part of. You all have been my family. I love you for it. Thank you so much.”
Dan Weiss then pronounced that Kit’s watch has ended, at which point you could see Kit get emotional. Weiss said:
“It has been a hell of a watch for us and for these people and for so many people around the world. Thank you for being Jon Snow and thank you more than that for being you.”
Well, Kit did take the show very seriously. We also learnt about how the stress of the show affected him. If you haven’t watched The Last Watch yet, we strongly recommend you do.
What do you think about this? Talk to us in the comments, down below!
Game of Thrones has been our favourite show for nearly a decade, and the show ended last week. We might have loved or hated the ending, but there’s one thing we cannot deny — a lot of work was put into making the show. HBO aired the official Game of Thrones documentary, titled The Last Watch this Sunday, and it will make you appreciate all the work that went into making the final season of Game of Thrones. Read on!
The documentary has been directed by Jeanie Finlay, who spent a year on the sets of the show, gathering footage from table reads, and bits from behind the screen, interviews with the cast and crew. The official description reads:
“Game of Thrones: The Last Watch delves deep into the mud and blood to reveal the tears and triumphs involved in the challenge of bringing the fantasy world of Westeros to life in the very real studios, fields and car-parks of Northern Ireland. Made with unprecedented access, Game of Thrones: The Last Watch is an up-close and personal report from the trenches of production, following the crew and the cast as they contend with extreme weather, punishing deadlines and an ever-excited fandom hungry for spoilers. Much more than a ‘making of’ documentary, this is a funny, heartbreaking story, told with wit and intimacy, about the bittersweet pleasures of what it means to create a world — and then have to say goodbye to it.”
Some of the best bits from the documentary include the table reads of the final scenes of the show, Vladimir Furdik (The Night King) switching between his character, and stunt direction, and a bit with the famous Stark soldier, whom we have seen make a lot of appearances on the show. However, the documentary is great for its focus on the crew members toiling behind the scenes, rather than the cast.
So if you’ve been considering watching it, please do. The Last Watch will make you miss your favourite show, no matter how you felt about the ending.
Talk to us in the comments, down below!