Game of Thrones finale aired way back in 2019 and in the end, the Stark siblings found their destinies. Bran became the King of the realm, Sansa became the Queen in the North, Jon went beyond the Wall to live with the wildlings and Arya set sail for her new adventure, discovering what’s West of Westeros. We never got to know how their journeys went, as there’s no source material (blame George R. R. Martin for that). Martin’s books are far behind the show, and fans are eagerly waiting for the next book Winds of Winter. However, there’s a slight chance we might see Arya again, as Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams indicated in a recent interview.
Speaking on the Table Manners podcast, the 24-year-old actress made it pretty clear she is always ready to take up the mantle of the many-faced assassin once again. “Well I could do it because I didn’t die,” she said. “I’m waiting on the call!”
Well, it is true that Arya was one of the few main characters who didn’t die at the end of Game of Thrones, there has been no news of a sequel yet. House of The Dragon is the only confirmed prequel, and some other prequels/spinoffs are in the works. One of them was scrapped recently, and replaced with two new animated series.
Do you think Maisie’s Arya Stark will make a return to the TV screen? Talk to us in the comments below!