The most recent installment of House of the Dragon lived up to the gory reputation of its predecessor. The War for the Stepstones lasted nine years in the novels, despite the fact that the television show concluded it in a single episode. As a result, several of the elements were omitted, including one that would have given Daemon’s character greater nuance.
Daemon Targaryen had an additional scene in the script
Though the War for the Stepstones was filmed spectacularly, viewers desired to watch the altercation between Daemon and Craghas Drahar. As reported by Hotd Croatia fansite, after slaying the Crabfeeder, Daemon exits the cave soaked in blood in a deleted scene from Season 1 Episode 3, where he roars with his dragon Caraxes. The moment is referred to as “Daemon has been reborn a dragon” in the script.
There was more to Daemon’s crown than it seemed
After Daemon’s victory, he crowns himself as the King of the Narrow Sea with a peculiar-looking bony/wooden crown. According to a theory, Daemon’s improvised Stepstones crown is a subliminal allusion to Jesus’ crown of thorns. Daemon is said to have entered the Crabfeeder’s cave on the verge of defeat but has since been reborn with his face, hair, and armor covered in the blood of his opponents.
Read Next: George R.R. Martin explains the Doom of Valyria in a new House of the Dragon video