In contrast to other post-apocalyptic horror shows, HBO’s The Last of Us placed more of an emphasis on the story’s humanitarian elements than it did on jump-scares inspired by zombies. One of the highest-grossing TV series produced by HBO to date, the video game adaptation took the viewing experience to a whole new level. Season 2 has a lot more to offer, with brand-new characters, plotlines, and horrors.
Craig Mazin hints Abby has already been cast
In a recent interview with THR, showrunner Mazin was asked about the arrival of Abby in Season 2, and if the role has been decided. He smirked, “Maybe. The strike stopped us in our tracks. Things were in process. Look, Abby was the first role that we wanted to tackle. We’ve got a pretty good track record of making major cast announcements and people going, ‘Really?’ which will probably continue. So people may disagree, but I think we got it right so far and the audience seems to feel we got it right and the Academy seems to feel we got it right.”
Who is Abby Anderson?
Spoiler Alert: Depending on your point of view, Abby from The Last of Us Part II, can be considered either the antagonist or the protagonist. She is a member of a militant gang that emerged following the destruction of Fireflies as a result of Joel’s heinous rampage. The last person on earth who could have created a treatment for the cordyceps infection was her father, the physician whom Joel killed. Finding Joel and exacting justice are Abby’s sole priorities.
Read Next: The Last of Us game’s Abby’s voice actor made a cameo in season finale