The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)’s fifth phase has already begun with Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania. With some new faces, the story will be continued in the upcoming TV series “Secret Invasion.” In the midst of the first-ever widespread Skrull invasion, former Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke made her Marvel debut. The show’s conclusion, nevertheless, has received mixed reviews from many viewers.
What happened in Marvel’s Secret Invasion Season 1 Finale?
The Skrull G’iah, played by Clarke, is the daughter of Talos and a supporter of Nick Fury in his fight against a Skrull invasion. It is revealed in Episode 6 that Fury has been gathering DNA samples from every MCU hero and villain up to that point. G’iah obtains the strength of all the Avengers as well as a few of the most significant villains we have encountered thus far after delivering the samples in the form of “The Harvest.” The primary antagonist of Secret Invasion, Gravik, is then defeated by her.
Emilia Clarke responds to “Secret Invasion” backlash
A lot of fans weren’t happy with how things were handled in Secret Invasion, and how Clarke’s character now makes other heroes meaningless in the MCU. She said in a recent interview with Movie Maniacs, “If people don’t like something that I’ve done or choice that I’ve made or a choice that the franchise I’m in has made, we’ve already done it, so there’s not much I can do — do you know what I mean?”
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