Phase 5 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has already begun with Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania. With some fresh faces, the next TV series “Secret Invasion” will shortly begin its journey. Emilia Clarke, a former cast member of Game of Thrones, will make her Marvel debut as the planet is first subject to a full-scale Skrull invasion.
Ben Mendelsohn teases “Secret Invasion”
Clarke’s new co-star, Ben Mendelsohn, recently talked to ComicBook about the upcoming MCU series, “People haven’t seen it, so, you know, you ain’t getting nothing from me, right. But we do deal a lot more with what’s going on. I mean, one spoiler. I will give you. There is an invasion in the show, right? It is a secret. That’s the other part of it. But getting to deal with the rifts, the fault lines of that invasion, we get to explore different starts to that. But this gangster [Emilia] here.”
Ben Mendelsohn is in awe of Emilia Clarke
Mendelsohn lauded his new co-star, “One of the great gifts, for me on this was having this fabulous person and fabulous actor come in and inhabit Talos’ daughter, and just be able to bring that whole dimension to it.”
Clarke smiled and said, “We had a good time. We had such a good time.”
Read Next: ‘Secret Invasion’: Runtime for first two episodes revealed along with new trailer