Emma D’Arcy has acquired fame with audiences, critics, and the awards circuit after making her debut as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen in the Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon. The actor joined the series in the middle of the season, under heavy pressure to replace Millie Alcock as Rhaenyra, the Iron Throne’s successor. And Rhaenyra might get a wardrobe change in Season 2.
Emma D’Arcy teases Rhaenyra’s new wig
In her recent interview with Awards Watch, D’Arcy said, “There’s a great one this year, but I won’t talk about it. I don’t really know where to start. I love Matt [Smith]’s because he is so radically altered, I guess a bit like I am. I feel like last season when we worked together a lot, we recognized each other less when we saw each other outside of work.”
“It’s funny what happens. There’s a fractional loss because you become incredibly intimate with that blonde man and he isn’t, as it turns out. I am very fond of him. Ewan [Mitchell] is also amazing, who plays Aemond; between that and the eye patch, just like the most exquisite baddy I’ve ever seen (laughs). I just think he’s the most astonishing actor and it’s great hair.”
Wigs reflect the character’s behavior
D’Arcy continued, “The wig does all the work. Wigs are amazing. They change everything about your behavior. They change how you are read and received by the world. The world outside the makeup trailer is a different one, and responds differently to the one that you left going in in the morning. It’s funny, the hair and makeup team are so extraordinary and Amanda Knight, who’s the makeup designer, says that she can watch the change. That it’s something in posture, something in my eye that changes at the end of that two hour process.”