Game of Thrones, which was once acclaimed as the best television program of the twenty-first century, provided HBO with a steady stream of revenue for almost ten years, but they don’t want the saga to end just yet. The success of the prequel House of The Dragon opened the possibility of the debut of more spinoffs in the near future. Jon Snow, Kit Harington‘s follow-up for Game of Thrones, is one of them.
When will Kit Harington’s Jon Snow spinoff arrive?
When Deadline asked about the progress on Kit Harington’s Jon Snow spinoff, Francesca Orsi, Head of Drama at HBO, hinted, “We’re just working deeply with the writers to get it in shape for potential greenlight, but at this point, no, no determination on whether it can go all the way.”
This means ‘SNOW’ is still at the scripting stage, and it will be quite some time before we can get any sort of confirmation.
How far ahead are the other Game of Thrones spinoffs?
Orsi confirmed that a number of other Game of Thrones spinoffs are in the works, “but they’re so nascent at this point that it’s more of a moot point until we realize them as real contenders for production greenlight,” Orsi said, adding “But yes, we’re exploring a few worlds in George’s canon and body of work.”
“It’s so new and nascent, we don’t even have many scripts on them so still too early to talk about them,” she said.
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