The DC Entertainment Universe is currently undergoing massive changes under James Gunn, who, after switching over from the MCU, is looking forward to beginning with a clean slate. Gunn has already announced his future projects, the phase 1 or Chapter 1 of the new DC universe, titled: Gods and Monsters. And according to him, his version of the DCU will be taking inspiration from two of the biggest franchises ever i.e. Game of Thrones and Star Wars.
During DC’s Chapter 1 announcement Q&A event, via Gizmodo, Gunn said, “We’re also creating a universe that is like Star Wars where there are different times, different places, different things, [and] like Game of Thrones, where characters are a little bit more morally complex.”
George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire as well as Fire & Blood, that gave birth to HBO’s biggest hits aka Game of Thrones and House of The Dragon, are popular for their morally grey characters. While we know that the tone of these gray characters fits perfectly with the world of Westeros, it will be interesting to see how his take on these massively popular characters will follow that trope, especially since a similar edgy tone by Zack Snyder was questioned by a lot of critics.
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