Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon recently completed its first season. Adapted from George R. R. Martin’s Fire & Blood, the prequel show will be peering into the history of Westeros 200 years prior to the events of Game of Thrones. Martin has stated that all his characters in House of The Dragon will be neither all good nor all bad, each one displaying their own shades of grey. However, even within this plethora of grey characters, there are some that stand apart from the rest. Ser Harrold Westerling, portrayed by Graham McTavish in the prequel series, is one such rarity.
As honorable as Ser Westerling is, even he couldn’t stand the thought of the entire Green Council plotting against Viserys and Rhaenyra for a really long time. And when Criston Cole murders Ser Lyman Beesbury, he took out his sword commanding Cole to surrender. However, according to McTavish, there’s more to the scene.
In a recent interview with TV Line, McTavish revealed, “There was actually a line which I was a bit disappointed it didn’t make it in, where I’m facing off with [Criston] in the end. It was about ‘The rats in the Red Keep have more honor than you.’ He really let him have it in that sense.”
“And I understand why they would have maybe kept that out, because if you have that statement, what is the reaction from somebody? What is the believable reaction from somebody as hot-headed as Criston Cole? So, I can see why they might have left it out, but that’s certainly what he’s thinking, that this person standing in front of him has no honor. None.”
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Read Next: Graham McTavish teases Ser Harrold Westerling’s role in House of The Dragon Season 2