Emma D’Arcy, who plays Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen in House of the Dragon, recently revealed that they weren’t a fan of Game of Thrones before cracking a role in its spin-off series. In fact, they have never watched a single episode of the famous show ever.
In a recent interview with Interview Magazine, the actor said:
“I hadn’t seen it before I auditioned, which I honestly think is the only reason I’m able to do the job. There’s no way I’d have made it through the audition process if, at that time, I had the love for the show that I have now. I think I’d have buckled under the pressure.”
The British actor also mentioned that they were undoubtedly aware of the show, but never cared to watch an episode of it. “I haven’t lived under a rock and it was very much in my peripheral awareness. It came at the ideal time, actually, in the run-up to finally shooting,” they added.
With that being said, talking to the interviewer, Emma D’Arcy revealed that however, they had read the book. They said:
“I’ve read the book that relates to the work we’re making, Fire & Blood. Not least because it’s very exciting to read ahead and get spoilers on your own story. Highly recommend that.”
Further, they also opened up about the amount of effort it took for the makers and the cast to create the end product. That being said, House of the Dragon’s new episodes are premiering every Sunday on HBO Max at 9 p.m. ET.
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