The upcoming Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon explores the history of House Targaryen, featuring newcomer Milly Alcock as the younger version of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, one of the heirs to the Iron Throne. Just two years before she got her big break, the 22-year-old was washing dishes in a restaurant to make money and living in her mother’s attic. She talked to Stellar magazine about the moment her life changed forever when she got the call to star as Princess Rhaenyra.
‘I was washing dishes in a restaurant, living in my mum’s attic. This doesn’t happen to people like me, so it was incredibly quick,’ she said, recalling the exact moment that she received the call about her casting. ‘I froze, and took a deep breath and said to my friend, “Do you have wine?” Then I called my mum.’
The Sydney-born star is relatively unknown in Hollywood and made her first appearance on the small screen on the Channel 10 series Wonderland in 2014. She also talked about dropping out of school to pursue an acting career.
‘I was like, I either have to sit all of my exams in rural Australia or I was just going to drop out of school. So I dropped out because it was never really my thing,’
Via: Daily Mail
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